House Survey for Home Purchase

Architecture Consulting Services for Foreign Homebuyers

House Survey for Home Purchase - David Esteve

20 Years of assured independent Technical advice for a safe Home Purchase in Valencia, Spain

Endorsed Member by the Official College of Technical Architects of València since 2004 



Are You Planning to Buy a House in Spain?

“Please make sure your that future Home is free of any obvious potential risk.“

One of our primary and most useful services is a Homebuyer Survey which evaluates the potential defects and construction problems found in a house, foundation and structure, before the purchase. This survey allows you to identify problems with your future investment and also to provide solutions. Unbiased Surveys, are the perfect “weapon” for investors to use to help  negotiate the future price of your property in order to ascertain a fair value. 

When should I request a House Survey?

You can request a House Property Survey or Technical Inspection when you consider it necessary. Usually this means during the period of negotiation prior to signing a deposit contract or any document related to the purchase of a house or property. You may also need to acquire a Technical Certificate or Survey Report Endorsed by the Official College for any official entity at a National Level or an Insurance Company that requests it.

Bear in mind that in Spain (in almost 100% of the cases) for Government Entities, Notaries, Lawyers, Official Institutes, Insurance Companies, Land Registries, and creators of Title Deeds, you will be required to furnish Official Technical Survey Reports, Technical Inspections, Official Energy Efficiency Certificates or other types of Survey Reports related to your house purchase.

The law in Spain is very simple & clear: Only qualified technicians and members of the Official Technical Colleges, will be able to fulfill these Official or Government Survey needs related to your future home, as required by the City Council or other Main Organizations.

What is a House Survey?

House Property Surveys, are created by Surveyors (Technical Architects & Building Engineers) after an inspection of the subject property. They serve to highlight specific weaknesses of the property, including the building(s), foundation(s) and structural components. It includes a Condition Report, plus any defects that might affect the property and its value, along with advice about repairs and maintenance. Also spotlighted are any risks, potential legal issues and urgent defects.

It is an in-depth, unbiased, and transparent opinion of how the property has been preserved. The analysis contained in the Survey is meant to protect the future investment interest of the buyer should a purchase be concluded. Property and Building Survey Reports generally summarize the overall condition of the property. It also describes the soundness of the structures on the property by pointing out hidden defects that the buyer would be obliged to remedy.

Why is it important to order a House Survey?

Our house property surveys go beyond a description of the condition of the building(s). Our combined expertise allows us to also include thorough structural and technical assessments of your property. Knowing what you are buying will save you money. Your report can be used to negotiate the price of the property and will help you decide whether to proceed with the purchase.

A house survey, which used to be known as a structural survey, is a comprehensive inspection of all accessible elements of your property. The report also provides a detailed evaluation of the condition of your property and will suggest which parts of the property might be a problem. In addition, the report will point out areas of concern that could need further investigation. Property Surveys do not establish a market value for the house.

Do I really need a House Survey in Spain?

No. A house survey is optional. But a survey can help you avoid expensive and unwanted surprises (like an unexpected rewiring job) as well as give you peace of mind by telling you that those hairline cracks don’t mean the house is falling down! A survey can confirm that a “rustic” property is 100% legal and can be renovated without any Council License problems. Given the hundreds of thousands of euros it can cost to buy a property, a few hundred euros spent on a survey by an independent expert is a good investment.

When you’re already spending a lot of money on buying a house or flat, a survey can feel like an unnecessary expense. But it’s far better to be aware of any problems before you buy a property, so you can make an informed decision about how much you’re willing to pay and, if necessary, budget for any repair work that needs to be completed.

You may also be able to use the information in the survey to negotiate with the seller. For example, if your survey finds that you’ll need to carry out repairs costing €10.000 you could ask for a €10.000 reduction in the acquisition price or ask the seller to make the necessary repairs before you sign a purchase agreement.

House survey vs Mortgage valuations

When you apply for a mortgage, the mortgage lender will carry out a valuation on the property to make sure it’s worth roughly what you’re planning to pay for it. This mortgage valuation is sometimes called a valuation ‘survey’, but this can be misleading.

A mortgage valuation is nowhere near as comprehensive as a proper house survey. In fact, it sometimes won’t even involve anyone visiting the property in person. Because of this you should always arrange your own independent survey to make sure you’re not overpaying for your new home or about to buy a property with significant problems.

A House Property Survey will cover basically the following issues:

Internally: Dampness and condensation; ceilings, walls and floors; chimney and chimney fissures/cracks; windows, insulation, asbestos; electrical wiring and panels; water connections and plumbing; meters for gas, water or electrical services); joinery/cabinetry and flooring; evidence of termite infestation; and any other issues.

Externally: Full inspection of the roof, chimneys, gutters, main walls, windows and doors, foundation(s), drainage and boundaries. Assessment of the condition of the facade.

Other: Garages, BBQ, wells, septic tanks or sewer connections, conservatories, tenure/tenancy, building community issues, land legality, “rustic lands”…



Surveys are suitable for all properties, but particularly appropriate for:

This kind of survey is suitable for Standard properties and relatively new homes in good condition. However, it is also valuable for properties in reasonable condition, larger or older (50+ years) properties, atypical or unusual homes, renovation projects and properties in poor condition.

  • Old Houses – recommended for properties over 50 years old
  • Buildings constructed in an unusual way, regardless of age
  • Buildings that you intend to renovate or change in a future
  • Buildings that have already been renovated or significantly altered
  • Houses you are thinking of renovating

Are You Planning to Buy a House in Spain?

We know this can be a big step for you.
We are here to help!

We know that buying a property in another country can be a difficult decision…and one that you should approach with calm and caution. The first step is finding the right people to manage the different stages of renovation. These stages include such things as an unbiased house inspection, the property acquisition process and the management of a safe, cost-effective renovation. Equally as important should be adherence to the regulations in force in the place where you want to invest.

These are some of the reasons why we decided to create “Valencia Surveyor Studio”. We bring over 20 years of Technical and Administrative experience in construction and property investment to buyers seeking to find their dream  house or apartment. We have been able to assist many foreign investors, with their investments in Spain with our studio’s fair and transparent services. WE ARE NOT REAL ESTATE AGENTS

One of the first steps after finding  a house or apartment to buy is to request a Property and Building Survey Report made by a Surveyor ( =Technical Architects & Building Engineers). A survey highlights specific weak areas of the property and building(s) with special attention to the  structure: Property Surveys can be an important friend to  help you avoid big mistakes before a purchase.

You should request a Building Survey or Technical Inspection when you consider it necessary, which will probably be the majority of the time. You should make this request, before signing any deposit contract or document related with the property sale or simply when you need to acquire a certain Official Technical Certificate or Survey Report Endorsed by the Official College for an Official Local Entity or at a National Level. Inspection reports may also be needed when an Insurance Company considers insuring the property.

Bear in mind that here in Spain, in almost 100% of the cases the following will require Technical Survey Reports Endorsed by an Official Institution: Government Entities, Inhabitation Licensing authorities, House Surface Certifications, Notary  documents, Lawyers, Official Institutes, Insurance Companies, Land Registry, Title Deeds,

Sometimes you can also be requested to order a House Technical Inspection accompanied by an Official Certificate endorsed by a Local Official Surveyor, for some other kind of Official Survey Reports related to your House Purchase.

The law in Spain is very simple & clear: Only qualified Technicians and members of the Official Technical Colleges, will be able to endorse Official or Government Survey Reports for City Councils or other Authorities.

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