Spanish House Surveyors

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House Survey for Home Purchase - David Esteve


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The law in Spain is very simple & clear: Only qualified Technicians and members of the Official Technical Colleges, will be able to satisfy Official or Government Survey requirements that the City Council or other governing bodies are mandating for your future home.

In Spain, The Polytechnic University of València is among the Most Prestigious and Professional Institutions of its kind. Its mission is to promote and enforce the highest national standards in the valuation, technical management and development of Building Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure fields.

Our Technical University was recently declared the best Spanish Technical University according to a ranking of world universities (Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)

In Spain, the Spanish Technical Architects & Building Engineer University Degrees at the Universidad Politécnica impart to Building & Property Surveyors extensive knowledge in various areas which are deeply connected with the Spanish way of building construction. These disciplines are strongly protected by the Government through the General Council of Technical Architects & Building Engineers, giving us a high quality of Technical knowledge practiced in Spain.

Here in Spain, for Government Entities, Notaries, Lawyers, Official Institutes, Insurance Companies, Land Registries, Title Deeds, etc, you may be asked to provide Official Technical Survey Reports, Technical Inspections, Official Energy Efficiency Certificates or some other kind of Survey Reports related to your house purchase.

On the other hand, you can also decide to have a private Inspection for your own safety by ordering a Property & Building Survey Report of your future home. This report evaluates any defects and possible construction problems found in your future house before the purchase is made.

All such technicians should be in possession of a minimum four year Technical Official University Degree. They should also be enrolled as a Member of the Technical Architects & Building Engineers Association (CAATIE), and in possession of the corresponding Technical Architect & Engineers Civil Liability Insurance. For a client the National Quality Label is emblematic of a high level of protection, guarantee and professionalism.

According to the Spanish Royal decree 927/1992, of July 17 (add the year), which established the University degree, and included the approval of the general study directives required to obtain the degree, Technical Architects & Building Engineers (Property & Building Surveyors), can legally exercise the following primary roles: Building, Property and Structural Surveying, Renovation Project Management, Real Estate Appraisal, and other functions related to the Building and Construction Fields.

Technical Architects & Building Engineers are strongly regulated and protected by the Spanish Government. Fifty five Official Colleges provide this training and education which are coordinated by the General Council, and have the consideration of the Public Law of Corporations. It should be noted that there is no specific professional equivalent in other European countries to what a Technical Architect & Building Engineer represents in Spain. Due to the characteristics of their deep technical skills and general training, Technical Architects are afforded wide latitude in their professional work.

Licenses, Property and Structural Survey Reports, Building and Design Renovation Projects, etc., are officially endorsed and submitted by the qualified colleges of its region to provide protection for a client’s interest. For customers’ safety, Technical Architects (also known as Surveyors), should be in possession of College Civil Liability Insurance, which provides coverage to clients for  basic activity occurring in the exercise of duties as required in a professional practice.

Essentially, Spanish Technical Architects and Building Engineers can act in the role of any or all of the following: Building, Property and Structural Surveyors; Project Managers; Financial Management of Construction; Quality Control; Appraisal Surveyor; Health and Safety Coordination; and Technical Inspections; materials manufacturing; sustainability and energy efficiency assessment; building Rehabilitation; and adaptation of commercial premises.

The General Council of Technical Architects and Building Engineers, (CAATIE) is the only National Regulatory Authority in Spain. This National Regulatory Authority (also located in Valencia), is a Governmental Corporation that brings legal oversight to and looks after the interest of all those who practice their chartered professions in Spain.

In our country, Technical Architects & Building Engineers are the most highly qualified professionals in the building construction and Project Management fields. They understand the entire building construction process. The advantage for clients is the ability of one Technical Architect & Building Engineer to coordinate all of the various phases of a construction project while applying  the correspondent quality controls that guarantee safety and habitability according to the Spanish and European Requirements.

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